Blog 3 - The Impact of Photoshop

I feel as if Photoshop can impact our lives in both positive and negative ways.  In order to get to the positive, we must get past the negatives real quick.  I believe that so many things on the mainstream media gets edited and Photoshopped just to appeal to the everyday consumer.  The more and more we get used to seeing these, the more we start to expect them.  Just like Kendrick Lamar said, "show me something natural."  Now if we get to the positives of Photoshop, the list goes on and on.  Many people just like myself are able to express their creative ideas in a sense of freedom they have never had before in their entire lives.  I did exactly this in the image seen above I made two years ago in my senior year in high school.  I hold Photoshop very dear to me because I have always been limited with a piece of paper and a pencil.  Ever since I was able to access editing software, it feels as if only my imagination is the limit.
